NOTEBOOK! I MISS YOU! It seems like forever since you've been... on my lap. heh. Anywho, I'm not mad at you. It just worries me when you choose alcohol as a pain reliever. I know you don't normally do it, it just concerns me cuz I always want you to be safe. But I'm not gonna fight you about it or hold anything against you. If the situation was reversed you know you'd be saying the same thing and if you didn't say anything, I'd be worried. It's our jobs to worry about each other, right?
Anywho, I took this new sleeping pill and that's why I had to leave. I didn't know how it was going to affect me. I am so scared I'm gonna have an angry email to wake up to tomorrow.
Blah, I had a really shitty day. And tomorrow is more of the same. I'm just praying that everything works out.
Well lady... I'm gonna write more and work on this a LOT more tomorrow.
Love you,
Hey Sweets,
Yay I finally got everything done that needed to be done. So I'm no longer stressed out. So, I had a very interesting few days. Thursday it was raining like mad. I took the books back to the library and I kept the birthday book. I got to school and finished copying the stuff for Nathan. Luckily I finished before class started. So we all got to class (even though everyone was pretty much soaked). We all totally forgot that there was MS group. So we did the chair massages then we came back to class. The regular teacher wasn't in (She's not going to be in for the next few Thursdays). Oh and the lady who is our sub while Miss Victa is out will be our new teacher. Sorry that was confusing, I am watching "sleepover" and I got distracted. So anywho, Miss Eileen was talking to us about compressions. Shani was like, "Oh what are you talking about?" And Eileen told her to get on one of the desks so she could demonstrate. She was doing compressions to Shani's butt area and she said, "You know, this is one of the only professions where you're allowed to touch people's butts." And while she was saying that she had her hand on Shani's butt. Well, this guy passed by and he saw Shani laying down on a table and the teacher's hand on her butt and he just kind of slowed down and stared. And then we all started laughing and he looked up and saw all of us kids laughing and he put his hands in his face and started giggling and walked away. It was freakin' hilarious. Then when we went on break Shani and I went to Publix. It was so beautiful--the rain was just pouring down that it looked like a curtain of water. It was so beautiful.
Then Friday I woke up really stressed out cuz I didn't have the rent money yet so I called the leasing office and left a message. So Brian went out and did our taxes. Then we went to IHOP. I called the leasing office again and the lady said I had till Monday. Phew!
*I realize that you are a grown woman and if you feel the need to have a drink, go for it. I know you know your limit and I trust you to be responsible. =)*
After I got offline with you I tried to go to sleep. That pill made me really sleepy. But... Brian and I had sex anyway. I always enjoy making love to my boyfriend but this time was a little different. He was behind me and for some reason I told him to take the condom off and he came inside me. I don't necessarily LOVE condoms, but when he comes it's a LOT which is yucky lol. So I dunno. I'm sure one time w/o protection isn't gonna kill me but I really hope I didn't make a huge mistake. Ooh--I talked to my mom last night and I asked her if my cousins were going to send me any old pictures and she said they're working on it. Yay! I can't wait. I might have to get different tape. I don't like the stuff I get from the dollar store. Wow! I've had this for two weeks and I've already done about 50 pages. Depending on what the next week looks like moneywise, I'm gonna get all the notebook stuff I need. Whee!
a little after 4pm
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