Friday, June 6, 2014

March 6th, 2008

March 6th, 2008

Hey Chica,
Man I had THE weirdest dream but I don't really remember it. All I remember is someone was having a wedding in this park type thing and there were these bad spirits trying to possess everyone.

Anywho, I hope you're doing okay at work today. I'm saying a little prayer for you because I think you need some happy thoughts sent your way.

Dear God,
Please be with Chelsea today.  She is in a bad way and she needs your spirit to surround her in love and protection.  also, give her patience needed to deal with her supervisors.

In Jesus name,

I hope that helps, sweetie.

Okay--so I have to say this because, well, I just feel the need to.  One of your journal entries really shocked me.  This is how people become drug addicts, Chelsea.  I know you are in a lot of pain and the people you work with piss you off, but mixing alcohol and painkillers is a really bad idea.  I know I'm not telling you anything you don't know.  And you tell us all not to worry.  Well you keep saying that you're not gonna do it again but I dunno.  It just seems like ur taking the easy way out.  I hope for your sake that this doesn't become a habit for you.  It always starts innocently enough and then bam suddenly you can't function without it.  I just really hope that that doesn't happen to you because I love you very much.  Okay that's all for me lol.

Anyway... you know how in Reality shows they have the story and then the commentary?  I dunno how long I've been watching these things but I just noticed that their clothes are different in the commentary than in the episode.  I dunno I may be slow or something, did everyone notice that before me?

Well... it's after 1:30pm now and I'm just waiting for Brian to get home so I can finish copying what I need to copy and then go to the library and drop off the books.  I am kind of worried--I just hope that Ryan gives us the right amount of money so we can pay our rent AND bills.  I'm getting scared that it won't be exactly what we need.  But I think he knows.  I'm just happy that I'm finally getting my taxes done.  It will help SO much.

Okay... the last thing I want to put in here is venting about work.  So I'll just give you a list of pet peeves that I have aquired by working there and fill in a scenario if the situation warrants it.

My Pet Peeves
1) running up to the window and not knowing what you want and then the race goes off.
2) anything smelly--breath, clothes, money
3) not talking directly to me and mumbling.
4) ripping the tickets out before it comes out on its own (same thing goes for race profiles and results)
5) talking down to me because you think you know what you're doing when you really don't.
6) telling me I need to smile and not paying attention to me to see if I do or not but then yelling at me when you get your head out of your ass.
7) accusing me of stealing money/tickets.

I cannot wait for the day when I don't have to put up with anyone's crap anymore.  And I can do like 4 massages a day and rest.  It'll be nice.  I just want to do my own thing with massage.

Alright.  So I figure I won't get a new notebook until I am finished with all the typing and stuff that I'm working on.  This new notebook is going to be fancy.  Ooh I'm watching A Haunting and it's one I haven't seen before.  This couple buys an old Victorian house and in the master bedroom it has a small opening and then a bigger opening that turned into a bigger room.  The guy just decided to turn it into a huge closet.  But I dunno.  If I found a space like that I'd leave it alone.  Holy shit it's raining like CRAZY.

I really want an old Victorian home, but not if it's haunted like that.  Which pretty much any house or land can be haunted.  Which relates to the theory that anything and everything has an energy to it.  No matter where you've been, someone or something has always been there before.  Awww man I hope it stops raining. I got shit to do today!
I may just have to go to school early and take everything with me to take back tonight.  I don't want to do that because I don't know if the thing will be open still but oh well.  If it's locked I'll go tomorrow.
In that case Imma hop online to see if I can find what I was looking for last night.

Love always,
Rita Bo Bita

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