Friday, June 6, 2014

March 4th, 2008

March 4th, 2008

Hey huni,
I got home a couple hours ago but as usual, was too pooped to write.  I just needed to chill for a while and relax before delving into my whole day. I just have to say... I cannot believe what happened today.  As far as I knew it was just another day.  But it wasn't.  Life is too short to have someone take it away from you.  This guy comes into the Wendy's and goes into the bathroom, comes back out and shoots someone in the back of the head, wounds four others, then shoots himself.  I heard on Real Radio that the man who died was a lutenent.  He was attending a CPR-like class and he was on his break.  He was with his wife and daughter.  He noticed a toy was missing from the happy meal so he went inside and that's when he got shot and killed.  I just can't believe that this happened.  It just really shows that life is too damn short.  You can never do anything bad and get hit by a bus, or drink like a fish and live to be 95.  This is just so upsetting to me.  And the kicker is that the man who died is Curtis's uncle.  Now... I found this out from someone in class and I don't know if this is true, but it would be a shitty thing to lie about.  But I dunno if I believe in fate.  I believe that God does have a plan for us, but also we have a choice.  People want to put blame on fate or whatever, but I think it's a copout.  I also believe that fate and destiny are 2 different things.  It is your destiny to become what you feel you were meant to be.  But you meet your fate when you die.  At least that is what I associate everything with.  It just breaks my heart that someone had to die for no reason.

In other news... I am officially late on my rent.  But I just pray that the late fee hasn't gone up.  If it has I am so screwed.

I don't want to be afraid of anything.  I don't know how much longer I have on this earth, but I do know that I am going to embrace what life throws at me.

Man--this is sick.  I'm watching my show, Animal Cops, and they're in Miami right now.  There is this pet shop that I am PRAYING gets shut down.  There was a dead puppy in a cage.  A DEAD PUPPY!  In a pet shop!  Ick.  How do people do that?

Anyways baby I gotta get going.  I'm exhausted.

<3, peace, and elbow grease,

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