Hey sweetheart!
I am so bringing this to work with me tomorrow so I won't be lonely. I am stuck there all day. Bah humbug.
So anywho, I was doing my project and I thought of a really cool story. It's loosely based on a true story. 2 friends grow up together, get in fights, make out, grow up and all kinds of stuff happens. I want to make it like a journalistic story from two points of views, the girl's and the guy's. So... would you help me write the story? You can pick either the girl's side or the guy's side and I'll pick the other one. Don't worry about the plot, it's whatever you think of when you write the story.
So... I guess the news now is Earnest and Lauren broke up. I don't really believe it but time will tell. See, Mike is this guy in a band called Osiris Rising, which regretfully is no longer a band. But Mike, Joe, Earnest, Drew... pretty much everyone in the metal scene knows who everyone else is. Earnest and Mike have always been tight. So I guess Mike and Earnest were practicing tonight and Earnest and Lauren had been fighting. According to what Mike had heard they broke up. They... I dunno. I just think they're both just trying to fit a circle in a square hole. There was an attraction at first but then I guess Lauren got comfortable. Or something. We all used to have so much fun and everyone was happy. Why couldn't it just stay that way? My wish for Earnest is that he can be honest with himself. And I wish that Lauren could lighten up and let people in. I don't even have anything bad to say about Lauren anymore. I want my friend Earnest back.
Anywho babe, you got me all day tomorrow. Aren't you lucky!!!
March 26th, 2008
Hey lady!!!
I should have brought this inside with me for my first shift but I didn't. Oh well. I was in the poker room today which totally sucked because of course Lauren was there. Earnest came near the end and they were talking loudly (not exactly fighting) and then Lauren started laughing. I wish I could rewind time so I would have said no to them moving in with us. But I didn't so I have to deal with the memories of that time period. Truthfully, I knew I was taking a chance and I was really happy that Earnest wanted to live with us. I guess to this day I am still a bit niave. They didn't seem too broken up though. I mean Earnest was laughing and being silly. I told Brian and the first thing he told me was not to broadcast it. First yelling at me about Shani, now this. Fine I just won't say anything about anything anymore. I'll brb gotta clock in.
Okay I'm back. So, I'm making a dent in my NBS that I have to put together for your trip. I really hope you get to take this vacation, Chels. You really deserve it. You need to get away from everything and just relax and not worry about a thing. You need to breathe in the fresh Canadian air and get away from the craziness of down here.
I wish I could afford to see my family this year. I really miss them. Sometimes I have no idea why I moved down here. But then I look out my window each morning and see the palm trees, and I feel the nice tropical wind on my skin, and I wake up knowing I live in my own apartment. Yes, in some aspects I'm struggling, but I don't have to be 1,350 miles away from home to be perfect. I could live next door to my parents and still be struggling. But I'm not the only one and it makes me feel better knowing that even though I'm not perfect, I know what's important: family. The one you're born into and the one you make for yourself. I'm not too happy with yours right now for picking on you, but I can't say much. I live with 3 gross disgusting smelly boys. But once we get a new apartment, I'm packing everything I don't want spit in and it's going in my room. I'm gonna have like a full cupboard of mugs in my room, but I don't care. I can put them away in a closet and I don't have to worry about anyone spitting in them. I am really protective of my cups. It's mainly because it's my one connection to my family. I think I'm gonna clean out the ones that are super important to me and wrap them up. Because the boys can always find something else to spit in, and it's about damn time that I get up off my ass and do something other than just complain about it. So... problem solved.
Man... it is so boring here tonight. Tips have sucked all day and people have been really rude. Oooh I just thought of something! When I get my license I want to go to like... animal shelters and hospitals and do chair massages for the people who work there. I think that would be like charity work or something, if I went somewhere and asked to do it for free but please make donations to whatever charity is going on there. It's a good way to self promote but also relieve serious stress. Not only to the nurses but also the caregivers/family members. I don't want to do it just anywhere though. I want to pick a hospital/animal shelter where the staff actually care about their patients. Like at the hospital my dad was at, Sherman. When I move back I could go there and my dad could visit with everyone who saved his life. It's like my way of giving back. And I think if the people see that they're under no obligation to pay me, it will make them more charitable and lift their spirits.
Okay if I write about this anymore I'm gonna cry from remembering everything so I'm moving on.
So... you know those lotions I got from Victoria's Secret? Well, the pear glace was in this sample set my friend Emily gave me for Christmas one year. So I have been filling up the little bottle with the stuff from the big bottle. It's nice to have a little bottle of stuff when you need soft hands.
So.. I got a new idea! Actually it's something I wanted to do, but I couldn't find anything I liked so I just stopped. But I was looking through magazines again and saw some stuff. I gotta start working on all the covers for everything so I'm not scrambling all at once. I found a lot of stuff that I wanted though, post-it's and index cards. Blah. I still need to make my car payment. I can't wait till I can really pay for everything. I also can't wait till I'm licensed so I can start charging people. So I can better pay my bills. I know I keep repeating that but until I can do it, it will be the only thing on my mind. But the end is near!! And my new teacher (not Miss Victa, but Miss Valerie) gave me new confidence in passing the nationals. I think the main thing to do is just relax, and not only think about the question but the answer that they're looking for. Once you go through the millions of questions you start to get what they're looking for through your head, so hopefully this time around it will be a lot better. I feel like these past 5 years have been a test for me. I also think there was a reason that I haven't passed my test yet. And I am supposed to go through school down here and better learn my craft. Maybe God knew that I wasn't ready yet. So maybe I am meant to be down here and in school. I feel it's a test of patience. And God is making sure I made the right choices about my life and future. And I think that when I get my massage money, I'm going to buy back some mutual funds, maybe add some stuff for my account for when we have children and they're ready to go off to college or take a trip or whatever. I'm just excited for the future. My dreams are slowly but surely coming true. I hope you can find something you love and let your dreams be realized.
If you ever get famous and the pap come after you, I'll make sure they wished they didn't. I'll just put our plan in motion and start taking pics of them harrassing you and other celebs. Oooh it'll be fun.
I dunno about my friend, D. I've said this before and I'll say it again. In some pictures she looks so pretty and in other ones she looks atrocious. She is very slender and if she's not careful, her makeup will make her look like her cheeks are sunken in.
See in this picture she looks gorgeous, right? Okay well look at this one: (author's note)*I think it's just because when she is naturally relaxed it shows in her face and when she's trying to relax it looks like she's anorexic or something. I dunno, haha. (there really was no point to this part. I'm not trying to criticize or anything just an observation and way too much time on my hands. Anyways, back to the entry at hand...)...*
Plus she does not look natural when she's trying to relax her face. If she were deep in thought or it was a candid picture that would be different. But hey it's her career and if she thinks she's got it, as long as she keeps a clear head who am I to judge? It's not like I am perfect. I just know what I like and I wouldn't take a picture of her looking that way (unnatural). I have actually been studying photos and thinking up in my head what I want my look to be like. And I want to try and teach you how to use my fancy camera so we can both take really cool/pretty pics of each other. Ooh maybe I can work this "pinup girl" thing after all. I think I just needed time to warm up to it and get inspired to do something. Ugh I just want to go home! The 8th race at Jacksonville just went off. So I'm leaving after the 10th. I need to get gas and find something to eat. I have been writing practically this entire night and it's so sad that I have been sitting on my ass this entire time. My ass feels all numb and stuff. I feel like I need to do jumping jacks before getting back in the car. Lol!!
So... I need to start on a new project for school (this class). I dunno if Miss Victa will still make us do it considering we have been in the lab pretty much for the past couple weeks and she's been gone for most of that time. Plus we only have a month left of this class so I dunno about projects. I kind of don't like Miss Victa's teaching methods because she doesn't let us do real massages. Like during kinesiology we were only in the lab once and in sports massage we practice sports massage which was fine but we didn't get to do our normal routine which everyone first and foremost needed to practice. But since she's been gone our other teachers, Valerie (I don't remember her last name) and Eileen (the head of the massage program, also the day class teacher) has been letting us practice our general routine. I don't completely hate Miss Victa, but I think that we deserve a teacher who is not going to just read out of the book and tell us to look up the answers ourselves (did I mention she is not prepared for class like--ever?). I do think that Mark did baby us, but he was decent and fair. I really miss him. I couldn't even bring myself to say anything to him or say goodbye or anything. Curtis never formally apologized to me, but he said once while we were on an outreach at JFK, "the only thing wrong with my massages is that I have to watch what I say." You know, I took that as an apology because like most men he has way too much pride to admit any wrongdoing--I'll finish this up when I get home.
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