Saturday, June 7, 2014

March 25th, 2008

March 25th, 2008

Oh period, where for art thou?  What if I was pregnant.  Yikes.  I dunno I think I'm just PMSing.  At least I hope so. But anywho, I just got offline and I wanted to comment on something you said to me earlier. I know what you mean about Brian.  And I don't blame you for wanting me to leave if I need to.  I want you to trust my judgment, and in return, I won't keep saying the same things over and over again.  I know you're there to lend an ear of support, but I realized that it was exactly what you would do in Ohio.  I don't want to drive you crazy!  So... if I need to vent, I have my own journal.  But if it's really important, I'll talk to you about it.  I am so sorry if I stressed you out or made you feel like however you were feeling.  I know how I feel whenever I hear you say that you are getting a divorce, and it's a horrible thing to threaten if you don't really mean it.  I never want to make you feel bad for me.  I am not always happy with how you and David fight, but people always fight.  I know you just want me to be happy, and I want the same for you.  This is all just a learning experience.  Sometimes I wonder what kind of sick sense of humor God has.

Anyways, my Unisom is about to kick me on my ass so I have to get tucked into bed. I love you very much.  Goodnight!


March 25th, 2008

Hey sweets!
Well, I got up to watch Ellen this morning.  Christina was so beautiful.  But I did manage to get pissed off at Brian.  He bit me in the boob so hard I slapped him.  It really hurt!  And then I went to the living room to get my empty water bottle and to my surprise (and disdain) it was not empty, thanks to Ryan the spitmaster 5000.  I realize it's stupid to get pissed off but I'm trying to recycle more so I was mad that the only clean cup in the house is tainted with spit.  Oh well.  Anywho, what's it look like for today?  I am gonna do some notebook stuff for a while and then finish my homework.  Shani is finally calling me but I don't feel like talking to her. I picked up a test for her since she wasn't in class on Thursday and we made plans for her to come over after work on Sunday to get the test.  I called her Sunday AND Monday and NOW she calls me back.

So anywho, I have decided to start collecting state quarters (again).  I wanted to do it from the beginning but I wanted to wait until there were more out.  So I have 22/50 state quarters.  Woo hoo!!  I think I'm gonna make a list of which ones I have out of how many there are.  Whee that was fun.  I think they're all out there somewhere.

Blah I dun wanna do homework!!  I will soon I promise.  I had practically the whole weekend to do it.  Anywho, I'm gone for now.



Wow.  That was easy.  I just did like 4 chapters of homework in like half an hour.  They were so easy.   Now I'm talking to Kiki.  She told me that Kodiak (Anakin's brother) had to get put down because he bit someone.  That is so sad.  Those dogs never had a chance.  Sometimes I wish we never got them so they could have a chance to have a better life.

Man--I'm watching A Haunting and it reminds me of this one time.  I was at my gramma's house in my dad's old room (he and my uncle had bunkbeds).  I was just laying down reading my book and I felt like someone (or something) grabbed my ankles and tried pulling me under.

Phew.  It literally took me hours to write that.  I basically pulled this room apart looking for my blue folder and my scrubs.  Found the scrubs--did NOT find the folder.  I really need to clean this room.  It is beyond trashed.  I need Clean House to sell all my stuff at a garage sale.  Lol.  But anyways.

Shani finally came over to get her test.  Alright it's 5:30pm and I gotta go to school soon so... I'll talk to you soon.

Valentine's Day Questions (my answers to your questions from volume 3):

1.) Tell me about your favorite V-day...
My favorite V-day was when Brian and I were finally together.  Here is an exerpt from Volume 7 of my journals.

February 14th,

I just had the most beautiful time with my boyfriend.  But right now I need to fix his presents.  So hold on --12:21am--
I am back.  I had to write Angie a lil note and find some pictures to send her .  I do this thing where I take some pictures with me wherever I go.  And now Chelsea is in a lot of them.  I am not doing it to torture myself.  I just like to look back and remember that day--the last time we actually got along.  I still miss her.  But it's okay for now.  IT'S V-DAY!  I love this day.  It's so happy.  A lot of people hate it, but I don't.  And this year my baby is with me in person. Oh and guess who I got to talk to yesterday (Sunday).  Kiki!  She said she is fine and we can still be friends.  I even got her new address.  She lives in Lake In The Hills.  I wonder how far away that is.  I want to see them again before I move.  I don't care what the fuck Kyle says.  He has to see me for one more day and then I am gone.  Of course, God knows how many times Mike has used that excuse on him and Terri, so who knows if he will believe me.  But he can either deal with it or not.  I am coming over to see my girls and there ain't shit he can do about it.  Suck on that!!  Okay I am done. I am just sooo happy that I can talk to her.
My baby and I made love tonight.  I don't know what I can say about it.  Everytime we do it, it's like the first time.  And every single time, it's like our bond gets that much stronger.  I can only hope that my own children get to grow up and experience love like this.  Man--I am watching "kill bill vol 2".  It is screwed up. But a lot easier on the eyes than the 1st one.  Heh.  I think for now I'm goin to go.  Peace out.


2.) Tell me about your favorite Valentine's day candy and why...
Candy!!!  My mom used to get me V-day candy from Jewel that was so yummy.  It was purple and yellow hearts that I think were Sprees.  Oh and cimmamon hearts.

3.) Write about a sad Valentine's Day...
Well... I don't remember the V-day with Mike.  That is a sad story all in itself.  So... the one before it.  It was with Nick.  We had plans to meet up so earlier that day I went to the Hallmark store to get him a card and we had such a problem getting to see each other.  He was really vague about where he would be and at what time so when I went to the store and I hope back home he had already been to my house but didn't want to wait for me so he left to go God knows where with his cousin. But anyways, I finally met up with them at all mall in Aurora so finally Nick, Nick's cousin, his girlfriend and I went to the Mongolian Stirfry place but there was a long wait so we went to get beer and whoever was driving was drinking also.  We got to the parking lot and waited for the pager thing to vibrate.  We all finished dinner and Nick and I were saying goodbye and I gave him a little bear and a card and he gave me a big bear (that I later gave away).  We kissed and I remember it was really windy and my hair was blowing every which way.  I just remember thinking, "something is really wrong here."  A week and half later he broke up with me.

4.) Tell me a funny Valentine's day story...
The funniest V-day I can remember is when I was dating Geoff.  We couldn't go out on V-day because it was a Saturday and I had church with my parents.  So one night after school he came over and brought me a bouquet of flowers and a heart shaped jewelry box with an angel on top (that I still have).  He and I were on my bed listening to music and talking and my gramma kept opening the door and staring at us.  My dad came home from work and told me that Geoff had to go home.  After he left my parents had a talk with me.  They said that my dad was coming home an hour earlier from work and that I wasn't allowed to have any boys over because people might "talk".  Geoff and I weren't even doing anything!  Sheesh.  Parents.  lol.

5.) Tell me an embarrassing Valentine's day story...
The most embarrassing thing that happened to me on v-day had to have been 8th grade.  We all went on a field trip and I was dating Marco at the time.  I got ready at Jackie's house and I got to the dance but was too shy to dance. I felt like a complete idiot.  But Mark (VanSumeren) was having problems with his girlfriend, Melissa.  I don't know exactly what happened but she slapped him and then Jackie and a bunch of other girls danced with him for a while.  Ahhhh middle school drama, lol.

6.) Did your family have any special Valentine's day traditions?
We didn't really but we always sent gifts.  My gramma died on February 16th, 1999.  And on the day of her funeral I got a gift from my aunt.  It was a watch in the shape of a heart.  I don't think she planned it that way but it's how it happened.  My family and I have always tried to make sure we feel appreciated on that day.  We get flowers for each other and candy, go out to a special dinner.  I think when I have children we're going to have family dinners on V-day.  Or at least until they have dates and we're suddenly "too old" for them, haha.

7.) Reveal your true feelings about v-day...
Oh my gosh I love this holiday.  It is a really special day and I feel honored to be alive when I get cards in the mail, candy, and people being nicer to other people cuz it's a special day.  I know everyone says that it's a fake holiday and blah blah blah... but those are also the same people who say that people should show love throughout the year but they never do.  It's just an excuse, I think.  But I still love it.  I buy Brian chocolate and we celebrate it in our own way.  One of these days we'll actually have money to do something really special.

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