Saturday, June 7, 2014

March 27th, 2008

March 27th, 2008

Hey sweet stuff,
So it's Thursday and I'm at school right now and we're in the middle of a test. Well obviously I am finished otherwise I wouldn't be writing this.  Well, my teacher is back and I guess she's not in a very good mood cuz she's being bitchy.  The girl in class that I don't like, Lily, hurt her foot I guess.  You know, I hate it when people whine and complain about shit like that. I've had 6 wisdom teeth out, jaw surgery, braces not once but TWICE, flat feet, arthritic knees, and most recently I've had a twisted ankle.  If I can survive it anybody can. I wouldn't be so pissed off if it wasn't always something with her.
Anywho, I hope someday I can find Cory.  I'm gonna keep on trying.  It's not exactly like you and Ryan but in a way it's like that.  It's weird that that girl said something about Dawson's Creek because it came out my freshman year and I couldn't stand it. But one day my best friend Jackie came over and made me sit there and watch it so I was hooked afterwards.  But I never thought of Cory as my "Dawson" or anything.  It was just around the same time.
Anywho... I am so bored right now.  I wonder if we're gonna get yelled at.  Miss Victa seems like if someone messes with her she's gonna rip their heads off.  Okay it's official.  My period is LATE.  It's been coming around the 20th-27th since June or July I think.  In 4 more days it will be April.  If I don't get it within those 4 days... I'm gonna flip.  OOh I just figured out why I love that "endless love" frangrance so much. It totally smells like herbal essences.  Yum!
Man... I have got to do some laundry. I wish I could do it at your house but it takes so damn long!  I think I'm gonna clean up my room tomorrow.  And then do some laundry... maybe at the apartment complex.  I dunno. It's not that I don't appreciate you letting me use your washer and dryer, I just think it takes too long at your house.  So I'm gonna put 2 loads together @ the same time and then dry them all at the same time so I'm out the door in 2 hours as opposed to like 7. Oooh today I started putting the cups away. I'm gonna do it gradually so people don't notice as much.  I'd just hate to think that the mugs my mom's had so many cups of coffee in, the mugs I've had hot cocoa and tea in with my friends, is now getting spit in by a couple of yucky boys.  It's not the life they were meant to live!
Okay, Sybile is now annoying me. She is going to take forever with this test.  We literally had more than a week to study for it.  Everyone else is finished.  If you didn't know it 5 minutes ago, staring at it will not make it better.  I seriously don't know what she's doing in this class.  A lot of people have complimented her on her massages but I don't think she really likes it.  On Tuesday she had Luis as a partner and she was freaking out because he had to give her a massage.  Yes, I admit he wasn't my first choice as a partner but he's been in the class for a while and he's not a bad guy.  In the end, he is a student too and he needs to learn.  I remember when I was in school the first time there was this guy named Tom.  And I did not like him at all at first.  But that was only because he was a guy.  But when you are going to school with someone, you have to get to know them for them.
This is a poem dedicated to my best friend in the whole world, Chelsea Megan Kathleen Loomis Sims.

a poem by her bff
She said she needed something
to inspire her
something to mould her
into fire
she felt her skin move
through the wind
and she felt it was time
to start again
she listened to the trees whisper
their old, soft songs
and she knew in her heart
her dreams couldn't be wrong
she always thought she'd never
make it on her own
but in her weakness, it was her
strength she found
her heart is strong
and filled with fire
and her past is burning, like a funeral pyre.
her light can be seen
so much better now
as if she had an audience all along
to clap as she took her bow.
she looks up to the heavens
once again
the sun shining down on her skin
reminds her that she will never
be alone again.

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