Woot woot. Holy shit. March is halfway over already. Whaaaat?!?!
Anywho, I wanted to write about stuff but I'm really tired. But hey, it's late and you deserve a little "girlie talk." So... this is extremely random but it popped into my head tonight. What is the best sex you've ever had?
--hey--sorry to end this but I gotta give Brian a backrub so he'll go to sleep. But no matter what happens tomorrow, this story is #1 on my list.
<3 you!
Hey Hun,
Sorry about last night. I know you don't care, as long as I write what I am gonna write, right?
So.. the best sex I have ever had (with Brian, of course) was in a Days Inn in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. Brian and I were coming down to Florida (I think it was to get his stuff) and we stopped in Murfreesboro. We got a hotel room with a jacuuzi. It was very romantic. I think the reason why it was so good was because it was vacation. Man I am tired. But today will be a good day. Mondays are fun now, now that Kelly is our lead. There was this other lady, Theresa, who used to work there but she has off Mondays now. I remember when I had hurt my foot (it was the 4th day so I was still in so much pain) and I was downstairs. This guy, Mark, asked me if I wanted to move upstairs and I said sure. So I moved my stuff and went upstairs and Theresa asked me what I was doing there. That was the first and last time I will ever listen to him. Anyways, she saw my foot and asked me what happened. After a while I was not feeling good at all and Theresa was all surprised when I wanted to go home. At first I asked if I could go home around 4 and she said okay. But Georgina noticed that I was getting really tired and asked me if I was okay. I said no I was in a lot of pain so she told Theresa was just like, "why didn't you tell me you were in pain?" I was just thinking, "Um hello look at my foot. Do I need to announce the fact that I am in pain?" Any moron on the street could see that it had to be painful. Duh!
My foot has since healed, but the memories of such stupidness will forever be etched in my brain.
Oh--yesterday I was pleasantly surprised because the bitch I hate was downstairs so I got to leave early. Yay!
Alright, Imma wear the Lucky care bear shirt I acquired from you to work today so that means I gotta find it.
<3 you girl!
Holy hell! I do not fucking know what crawled up Brian's ass today. I was in a good mood and I got in the car and BAM. I was bombarded. All I did was look for my magazine and I guess it pissed him off. WHAT THE FUCK! He said I was in a bad mood and I was looking frantically for my magazine. All I did was lift stuff up. I wasn't in a bad mood at all! I just... I dunno what the fuck happened. I just feel bombarded. I didn't do anything wrong and I got yelled at. I'm the one who had to wait 15 minutes for his ass to get home and I'm the one who had to deal with gamblers all day. If I yelled back it was in self defense. I'm not gonna fight about whose day was shittier. But damn!
I'm gonna go to school. And I'm gonna come home. And when I get home, there better be a fucking OUTSTANDING EXPLANATION as to why I was verbally attacked for no fucking reason. I just had to stop talking because I was yelling and I hate to yell.
Ugh. Enough of this shit. I'll apologize to him. That'll give him something to scratch his ass about. See... if I act mad when I leave he'll act all defensive when I get home. But if I act all nice, he'll feel like a real asshole. HA! Men They think they can mess with us. Well, too bad for them.
Anyhow--I saw Lauren today. She is getting really fat. She's always been round but I dunno. It's funny because whenever someone mentions them to me they always say how fat they both are. I don't really care about that. I just want to be rid of them. I want my heart and spirit to be fully healed. Maybe I can pray for them too, to heal their old wounds so they can move on and be happier. Maybe if I pray for Lauren, she won't be so angry and she will grow up. I figure if I send out some good energy, Earnest and Brian can be friends again.
Ugh. I feel sick. I'm gonna go for now.
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