Saturday, June 7, 2014

March 18th, 2008

March 18th, 2008

hey chica,
I am so freakin' tired this morning.  I had the worst dream ever.  It woke me up!  I remember I made plans with Shani to go to this party.  I walk outside and see my car getting towed.  So I go to the guy's house to get it back and the guy tried to rape me!  So I was trying to escape when somehow my friends came to save me.  I remember having my phone but I was unable to use it.  Shani came to the house and she brought this guy with her (who was the guy who plays Jess in Gilmore Girls but I can't remember his name right now).  She thought I was blowing her off but when she saw what was happening she tried to help. Then the guy started waving a gun around.  He pointed it at "Jess" and I ran over to try and save him and he kissed me (but it was weird).
Eventually I just woke up cuz it was never-ending.

Brian and I never talked about what happened.  I dunno what the hell happened but I don't want to fight.  My only defense is that all I was doing was looking for my magazing and I really was in the good mood when I got in the car.

But anyhow, I'm watching Ellen right now.  Yay Halle Barry had her baby.  She'll be a great mommy.

I was watching "Intervention" last night OMG it was so sad!  The guy was an alcoholic.  But he didn't think he had a problem because he "didn't drink every night" and only had "1 or 2 drinks."  I didn't watch the beginning so I dunno how just how bad it was, but people don't say they're going to leave if you don't stop if you "only have 1 or 2 drinks."  Mike used to say he could only have 1 or 2 drinks before he started getting drunk.  That doesn't mean that he would stop there.
Anyway, the guy on the show went to rehab but he got discharged after 30 days for refusing to admit he had a problem.  He was sober for 3 weeks before he relapsed and developed chirrosis (sp) of the liver and died 2 weeks later.

Wow, I didn't know Paris Hilton was looking for a new bff.  I thought she and Nikki were bffs.  I mean, they're both dating the Madden's from Good Charlotte. ... I forgot their names.  One is Joel... Benji.  There ya go, lol.  I just dunno why she'd waste her time.

Ugh I am so hungry! I didn't get anything to eat last night.  I was gonna get something to eat after work but Brian decided to get PMS instead.  So.. I am so taking him to work and getting some sushi.  I don't care what you say it's YUMMY!  So there.  =p.



Hey Chica,
man, my room is so messy again.  I just cleaned it!  Oh well.  I love this weather we're having.  I love feeling the wind around me.  It's not too cold like it was a couple months ago.  I just had the most fantastic lunch. Sushi and yummy pita chips with bruccetta salsa.  And some pink vitamin water.  Mmmmm!!!
Can you believe I have so much stuff planned out to type it's almost a whole notebook full (not this big, just a 1 subject, but still).

Well... Brian woke up and immediately got out of bed.  He said he wanted a vacation day.  I immediately thought of mean stuff to say but I kept my mouth shut.  I got on the computer to do some work and Brian's all like, "I need you, I need you."  Blah.  I laid with him for about 2 minutes and then got up again.  Then later I got back in bed and he's all like, "you're still mad at me." That's when it all started.  He told me to stop being a brat.  I told him he was a brat yesterday, he said I wasn't listening to him, yadda yadda yadda.  You know, I was exhausted and extremely hungry.  Have you ever felt like you just woke up even though it's been a few hours since you've been awake?
Plus, since when is "down there!" a directional term?  It's like saying "this way" and "that way" to describe left and right.

I don't even care what happened.  I just want him to acknowledge the fact that he hurt my feelings.  I don't care if he's not sorry for completely overreacting.  UGH!  I HATE BEING MAD!

At any rate, Nathan redid the living room I guess so he could have a little privacy.  To which I say, "Thank God." It's actually pretty nice.  I'm just glad I don't have to worry about walking in on him and Ana having sex anymore.

Oooh I saw your St Patty's Day pics!  You looked so cute!

You know the drill... it's time to work on the notebook stuff!  So I'll write some more later.

Whee I'm almost done!


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