Saturday, June 7, 2014

March 16th, 2008

March 16th, 2008

Hey sweets!
I just made the new notebook SO pretty!  Tonight I'm going to Walmart cuz I need some stuff.  Can't be more specific, sowwy!  But when you see everything you'll understand.

Ugh this Kristy Joe character is pissing me off!  And apparently everyone else.  I just think she's confused as to what she wants in life.  Ugh I'm hungry!  And I'm all over the place now I realize that.  Sorry.
But yeah so Brian has been really bitchy towards me.  I know he's cranky and tired but hey I'm cranky and tired too!  Plus I'm getting my period soon and we have no real food in the house and I still don't have a bra to help the ladies feel better (I hate when they move when they hurt).  Last night he was bitching that he had to stand in the dark for 2 hours waiting for me.  Okay why don't you just drive a stake through my heart right now?  damn.  I was trying to be logical about it but I guess he was too tired to be logical.  If someone offers to give you a ride, take the fucking offer!  And if you have a problem getting ahold of me, call my job.  561-683-2222.  Not hard! Everytime I call someone answers.  And if that doesn't work, Ryan is always home.
Ugh!  Boys are so FUCKING ANNOYING!  Don't you agree?  heh.

Yay Kristy Joe went home!  But damn, he was a little harsh to Megan.  I guess he really did feel for Kristy Joe!  I liked her in the beginning but when I saw that episode where she said that she wasn't really divorced... I think that scared him.  But he was willing to look past it.  He has been keeping her and leaving other women he could have had a real chance with and she has been trying to leave the whole time.  I am just glad that all the other girls seems to be tolerant of each other.  I am learning towards Jessica and Ambre.  I really like both of them. I am just glad that the crazy one left early this time.

Ugh I do not want to go to work today.  I know there will be the SAME stupid girl that will force me to stay until 7:30pm cuz "she has kids."   So fucking what?  I already know I'm staying late because I'm a 1 o'clocker, but she gets to come in and leave whenever she fucking feels like it?  And of course management doesn't wanna do anything about it because she's black.  Who fucking cares?  I'm WHITE AND I DON'T HAVE A KID! AND I'M RESPONSIBLE! So punish me.  Sheesh.  Okay now that I have all of that out of my system, I gotta get ready for work.  I am so getting something from Dunkin' Donuts if I'm gonna be stuck there all freakin' day.

I love you so much, girl!



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