after 2pm
Hey Sweets!
I got up to page 9 and I wanted to write before I continued on reading. I love that card you made for me. It was incredibly touching and I want you to know that it didn't offend me at all. Even though our ritual might not have gone exactly the way I pictured it, I still feel that it was needed to start dealing with it the right way so I can finally move on with my life. I am truly blessed to have someone like you in my life and I don't really know what else to say but thank you so much for being you. <3. And someday I know I will see that baby again and this time I will embrace her. I think I rejected her in the first place because I wasn't mentally ready for having a baby. Or emotionally. That whole relationship was just wrong. I'm just thankful that now I have a chance to make things right.
Okay, I'm gonna read more of ur entry.
Rita Bo Bita
Well, I got to page 55 but I wanted to stop reading for a bit. I could have read it all right now but I wanna take my time with it.
I loved your runway idea. Now I want to do one. Right now I'm not in a very "project-y" place. I think I'm tired and too stressed out right now. Blah. I need to go online and check out my account balance.
Lynne didn't really piss me off this time but I dunno--she wanted to run the show I guess. I'm a "no-nonsense" kind of person--just say what you mean and move on. She wanted help but wanted to do things her own way. I just think it's passive-aggressive to do things like that but hey. If you can deal with it then I can too <3. All I'm saying is... I understand why David is the way he is now... his mom can be an instigator of negativity and I see her putting stuff in his head sometimes. I dunno I'm not trying to say anything bad I'm just saying. It makes a lot of sense when the novelty's worn off and you got someone trying to run your life. I got very suspicious of people who "do nice things" because to me there's always some kind of catch. My gramma was the same way. She wouldn't just come out and say, "Hey I need some help over here." She'd be all like, "well these dishes aren't gonna do themselves now are they? Oh well, I'll just do ALL of them myself." That's why I was a bit of a smartass to Lynne, because she was trying to guilt me into helping her. I just did it cuz I knew it'd go faster if more than one person did it. That's just how I feel though you know her better than me. But ya know... she is who she is. And I am who I am. I can behave and be respectful and helpful... but if she wants or needs me to help all she needs to do is ASK. Cuz that's how I roll. And I hate asking for help as much as the next guy.
Alright--I'm sorry to go on and on like that. By the time you read this it'll be old news. I just felt the need to say where I was coming from. Even though it wasn't really an issue. But hopefully it won't ever come up again.
Oh I have to tell you! Those runway pictures reminded me of this book I once started. I'd find pictures out of Vogue magazines and write poems on top of them. Oooh pretties.
Okay sweets I love you and I am gonna scan some pics now for the next portion of the notebook.
Rita Bo Bita
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