almost noon
Yay notebook! Tomorrow I wanna get some more printer ink so I can work on our "memories" thing. I dunno what we can afford but hopefully it will be enough. I looked through some of ur part of the notebook and it looks absolutely amazing! I am so excited to look through everything. Oooh I wonder if ur going to get a new notebook... if you are I'll laugh. Well, I am extremely tired so I'm gonna go.
I love you!
After 10pm
Ugh I AM SO PISSED OFF! And what the fuck is up with this pen? Okay I'm better. Well the pen situation anyway. I had THE shittiest day after I left your house. For one, I had to put air in my tire. As soon as I turned left on Lawrence it started to downpur and I HAD to get out of the car. It sucked. I was completely soaked when I got back in the car. THEN it took me 45 minutes to get home. I finally get home and guess who is at the computer. Brian of course. So... I say hi and he says hi and it's kind of awkward but whatever. So... I want to lay down and watch Gilmore Girls before I go to school but there weren't any blankets so I asked Brian, "Hey if you're not using this right now can I use it?" And you know what he fucking says to me? "Who said I wasn't using it?" Um, it wasn't MY idea to turn the air down to 65 and use the other blanket as a curtain. I was cold and wet and I just wanted to get warm. EXCUUUUUSE ME fucker. I don't feel "pissed-off-wanna-bust-someone's-head-in" but I feel "what-the-fuck-is-going-on-when-I'm-not-doing-anything-to-deserve-this." Seriously. I don't even know where the fuck to begin. The last time he was a grouch to me he apologized to me and we were fine. I realize he was fed up with driving. But I just got off work and you know I almost never get off before 5. Well if you know that don't FUCKING complain about having to wait for me and get road rage on people and drive my car all crazy. That's when accidents happen. My concern isn't just for him. I just want to get from point A to point B without a problem. Is that such a horrible thing? And then to get this attitude from someone who I love more than anything? What the fuck is going on here? I'm not even taking off my ring or anything. I'm not getting defensive or anything. So I don't understand all this crap. I know he's stressed out. But so am I. And I don't treat him like this. Ugh I am so sick of talking about this, lol. I want you to know that I took your pictures and I'm going to be using a few for the notebook. So you will be getting all of them back (yay).
I got so pissed at Brian. I found his new pack of cigs and I threw them out and stepped on them. He used money we DON'T have for cigs but hasn't bought me anything to eat--I am lucky I'm not on my period yet so I'd be screwed. JERK FACE!
Did I say I was done talking about this?
Oh--also--I am so upset from class. The teacher said we'd have a test on the muscles at the end of class. Well, fine--whatever. ALL we did tonight was put clay muscles on the skeletons. By the end of the night everyone was exhausted. So... it gets closer to test time and instead of doing the muscles the way she normally does it, she had someone write out all the muscles and she blacked out half of them. I dunno what she was thinking because pretty much everyone failed. We were all so freaking tired. Ugh. Whatever. I'm gonna lay down for a while and take a bath. I just want the world to fuck off right now. Oh, I took the purple off. It was time.
Love you!
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