Saturday, June 7, 2014

April 2nd, 2008

April 2nd, 2008

Hey chicky,
Ugh I'm awake.  I would give anything to be able to go to to sleep again.  I was in the poker room and I am so not looking forward to being there again.  I'm gonna text Kelly and ask her where I am today.  It wasn't horrible but it was just so slow.  But no matter where I am today I'm bringing le notebook so if I'm by myself somewhere I'll have something to entertain myself with.  I love watching HGTV.  I wonder if they do scrapbooking stuff.  Ugh I am too tired to write, lol.



Hey sweetness,
how is my girl this afternoon?  I am currently relaxing at work.  I wasn't in the poker room but I was upstairs and there was no one up there.  The lead teller was Theresa.  She is pretty much the only lead you really have to worry about.  But if you are just quiet and whatever she doesn't mind you.  She just likes to be the boss.  I figured out a trick through.  If you tell her you have to leave at a certain time she won't let you go, but if you wait until she asks for volunteers then she'll let you go.  Today is my double so I wanted to make sure I got off at a certain time so I could go home and eat.  And it's not like retail so the only stress you have to deal with is the customers.  Listen to me I'm talking up a place that I normally complain about all the time.  You can work as little or as much as you want.  Heck you could just work on the weekends and once during the week.  I'm gonna get some goldfish crackers and read for a bit so I'll brb.
{refer to first chapter of story}
Don't you hate it when people don't finish their stories?  Lol.  But seriously, I just couldn't think anymore.  But I will return.  I just gotta do some homework and then I'll be back.

Haha I stole a pen from the bitch lady!  Actually I stole 2.  Neener neener neener.  I'm at school right now and I had to go to the financial aid office.
And the lady who was a bitch to me before just said that there was a form I had to sign.  She kept me waiting so I stole a couple pens.  Haha!!  Gtg.  We're finally learning something in class.

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