Hello sweetheart!!!
I had so much fun writing poems with you. I don't think Bev was really ready to write tonight, lol. I don't know what is wrong with her mom. Her mom thinks that if she goes online she'll meet a random guy and have sex with him or something. And yet she pays for the internet service. Ok how does that make any sense? Man I am so tired. I hope I can fall asleep tonight. Ooh you're giving me poetry topics!! Little do you know, I am making a small book of our poems for the notebook. haha!
So... starting in April... I am going to have a ton of fun putting this stuff together. I am really hoping that you'll have some room for your own stuff.
Wow it is really raining outside. Although storms scare me, I love rain. It reminds me of my rabbit. I miss him!! It rained the very first day I got him. At first he stayed in our room but then he moved to the living room after Joe died (I needed the company). I remember on that first night I took him out of his cage and I opened the bathroom window and just said, "here is rain." It took a while for us to become friends but he was my love. Whenever it would storm I'd get scared so I took him out of his cage and held him and just looked at the rain.
There was no one like him and there will never be anyone like him. I am really enjoying the turtle though. I need to handle him more than I do. I do check him and see that he has food and I check his water. I really like him but I'm afraid to get close to him. He's just a little turtle. But it's my whole world when he dies. The only thing I will miss when I leave this place is my bunny. But on the one year mark I am doing something special for him so when the next people move in, I can move on.
The one thing I really miss about my bunny is the fact that he was the sweetest guy. Sometimes I would take him for a car ride (which he hated) but he always found the space between my neck and the seat headrest. And I miss writing in my notebook and watching him hop around the patio. He was so cute! He'd hop around and then he'd run around and kick his heals and run and sniff me, jump on my notebook, then hop away. He would even let me pet his tummy. I think when he hit puberty he got sick. I will always love him. I remember when my aunt's mom died I went into the living room and put my head in the cage and he just let me cry into his fur. He was sensitive that way.
Anywho, I was gonna write you a story because I wanted to cheer you up. But it can wait.
March 31st, 2008
I am in class right now and I could scream. But haha I'm in school and writing notes. I've just HAD it with people today. If it's not one thing it's another thing. At work it was people telling me they wanted something and then telling me I am wrong. And at school the financial aid lady was a real bitch. Her door was open and she was talking to what I'm guessing is a friend because the girl wasn't wearing scrubs (students wear scrubs during school hours).
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