Wednesday, June 11, 2014


10-17-10 12:48pm
Good afternoon.  I am trying to finish the yearbook section and it is hard!  But I have a few more tricks up my sleeve so!  We shall see.  There is so little to talk about.  It drives me crazy cuz I feel like I will never finish this :(.  I’ve recently subscribed to a new youtube channel.  her name is Olga Kay and she’s pretty weird.  I like her though.  She’s Russian I think.  She speaks really good English but you can hear a slight accent.  It’s more prominent in some videos!  Anyway, blah blah blah.  I’m eating my sweetheart candy.  It’s Twilight themed!  I had Bella’s too.  I ate them a LONG time ago.  David actually bought them for me--so I don’t remember why exactly but whatever.  They don’t taste very good to me but I’d rather eat them than throw them out. So, I found Dance Unlimited on FB.  That’s where I used to dance.  I almost cried looking at all the recital pictures.  I just miss dance so much is all.  I miss the way way it made me feel, the movement, the classes, the costumes, performing.  Gah! I miss it all.  I’m thinking of taking Zumba to get in shape.  The gym doesn’t work for me lol.  But if I dance, I think I’d be losing more weight because I’d be more willing to dance a lot!  Wow my room is officially cleared out.  i can paint anytime.  I might start tonight.  Idk.  I wanna work on the notebook too is all.  So, I’m looking at 1928 jewelry and really coveting this $24.00 necklace.  It’s got a key.  Then I found a $35 necklace that’s a heart locket.  *sigh* Oooooh I found a vintage pendant rose necklace for $34.  I want!  I wish they had rings. I think I will buy myself some jewelry for my birthday next month.  Hmmm!  I found rings too, nice.  Oh!  A few things from magazines I thought you might like.  =).
{magazine stuff}
Well, now it seems I am going to be going to Brogues tonight.  *sigh* I hope there’s no drama or negativity.  We shall see, I will use the very last page to let you know how everything went.  Lmao I went to walk Tobi and he growled at me.  He made it very clear he wanted Dad to walk him lol.  So I laughed and handed my dad the leash and away they went so I am kind of hurt.  I told my dad I was hungry cuz I didn’t eat lunch so, we could start dinner whenever.  He was like “I told you there was pizza leftover” so I lifted my shirt and was like, “THIS is why I don’t want things like pizza, Dad.”  And he says, “And how far along are you?”  I’m pathetic.  It actually made me cry.  Wtf.  No, my dad doesn’t know it made me cry.  I get tired of that question and he knows that so why the fuck would he even ask that?  God.  I don’t even want to go out now.
Hey so… Karaoke was pretty good.  Erin was fine.  I told her she could borrow my green tube top for Halloween.  I think I was just feeling extra nice.  Other than that, we didn’t talk a lot.  She said she was gonna add me on FB again but couldn’t because her PSP won’t let her.  Heh.  Oh boy.  Idk.  I hope she doesn’t ask me tomorrow at Bru’s why I didn’t add her.  So, there was a big group of people there and they were all in the army.  So they did a lot of American patriotic songs and it was so awesome.  I love being American!  Anyway, I’m leaving you with a picture of Mariana’s Trench, the band I love.  Josh Ramsay=<3.  *le sigh* I love him so much Ahhhhhhh!  

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