I’m just going to write a little bit before I clean my room. Well, clean and get it ready. I gave Tobi a bath hoping it would help him stop itching and scratching. He’s miserable and chewing himself raw. He doesn’t have fleas though or ticks! So, I just don’t know. I’m wondering if he’s getting too much human snacks! Or, if maybe his chicken treats are causing it. I think I’m going to try an experiment, and hope my dad follows it. No human food at all for a week for Tobi. If he’s still itching, no more chicken dog treats for a week. If he’s still itchy then one week without both. If he’s still itchy--then I don’t know. He’ll have to see a vet. Hopefully tomorrow we can get him a haircut though. I need to see how raw his skin is and medicate where he’s been chewing/scratching. I just called my dad, and he agrees with me. First we’re going to try no people food. Also, we need to make sure he can’t get to the cat food. Whew I feel better now, like I’m doing something productive for my boy. Lol. Anyway, so work was fine last night I guess. I’ve got 12 hours next week and was a little upset that I do work Tuesday (what did I tell ya?1) But I work 2-6 so maybe if I get up early I can still do it. I HOPE SO. I’m watching Tiffany on YouTube again and I really love her. So Positive! She had an eating disorder and overcame it! I’m lucky I think that my ED was so slight and not more serious. Whew. it was bad enough in Ohio. I didn’t need it to get so serious here. Anyway, hmmm what else can I share? Nm. K, off to do my room then.
Well, I got my room almost ready to paint! I moved one shelf out of the room completely. On that shelf I had all my books and movies. I moved the movies to the cubby in my dresser which has my TV on it. It looks much more organized. Some stuff is in a box b/c I have no place for it. I still have to figure out where to put those things and the things I am giving away. Phew. So, I’ll be busy tomorrow and Monday between room and NBS. So, whoa! I just got off the phone with my brother and he said “love you” to me. I was like “love you too bye” wait what? It’s 1am now and I’m sleepy. So nighty nighterz don’t let the bed bugs biterz. Love you sweet dreams!
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