Whee! Less than 3 weeks till the big day. I am so excited! my mom will be floored.
Ugh, I had the worst dream last night. But I have to catch up on my other stuff first. So… today will be an errand/catch up day. I can’t wait! Although, I really can because I’ve been up since 8:41am which is too damn early in my book.
~same day~
Hey Chels!
Whee! Two notes in one day, aren’t you lucky. Well, I watched the rest of The Runaways, very good yet tragic, as most rock’n’roll stories are. I have no idea if you’re planning on seeing it or if you have seen it already so I will say this: the asshole that was their band manager was a complete tool. He kept most of the money they made and exploited Cherry, who was 15 at the time. I don’t know if they could have been more successful than they were if he had kept a closer eye on them, but most of the problems came from him dicking them all around. But sadly this was the 70s and pretty much anything went. Nobody wanted to see a girl on stage unless she was taking her clothes off. People were actually surprised that they had talent. Nowadays people embrace women who can play an instrument and sing. What’s even more tragic is that most of the bands that are celebrated now never made it until much later. And a lot of what you see now is a mockery of what music should be about. Only the truly talented artists can make it. I don’t think it’s right to make people work 100x harder because they have the talent, just not the right “look”. This is 2010… you can make anyone look any way that you want them to and make people believe anything they want about a certain person, regardless if it’s true or not. I think the only way to really decide if you like somebody is by getting to know them--the old fashioned way. And that theory isn’t exclusive to celebrities. When I was in Florida, I knew that some people liked me because of who I was going out with. But I soon realized that this was an extremely incestuous group that’s worse in the drama department than a Greek family. I’ve never been exposed to that sort of superficiality before. But I had you! And that’s what kept me going for so long lol.
So anywho, I had to take my dad to a doc appointment because he’s been having these horrible headaches due to having the stroke and 2 brain surgeries.
{about a Metra train ticket and some other stuff I put in the nb: I kept this from the day that Geoff and I went to Chinatown. I wish we could do it again, before it gets too cold outside. I would love it if I could take you there. But I would make sure we got to Old Chinatown. New Chinatown is just a square with restaurants and drug stores where you can buy ginseng for $98.50/lb. I’m not kidding. Old Chinatown has all the cool stores and old shops. I saw so much stuff there that I wish I had the money to buy (all the cute stuff is either $1.00 or so) but I needed money for the ride home.
Over here is my receipt from the Portillos I went to with geoff the day I hung out with him. We were in the neighborhood because he had movie tickets to pick up from AMC 30 (a movie theater in Barrington, a town not far from Elgin--like 20 minutes away in traffic). We had made plans to hang out that day. I wanted to go to the lake so we could take more pictures. You know… I might have to give up on some of my Christmas ideas due to non-cooperation. However, I will start make some pretty boxes and put stuff inside. As for Geoff, I might just use what I have already, which is mostly my pictures. I might add some funny ones I took of him, heh. I put together a picture book I made on Walgreens.com. I’ll put the extra pictures in where the resolution could be better.
Pffffft! And grrrr on people who won’t cooperate with me. At least I have you!
Alright well, once again I have been sidetracked. It’s easy to be sidetracked when I start a story and never finish the one that I started. I just don’t have a lot of energy.
So anyhow… Geoff and I went to the lake and it turned out to be great fun. He wanted to climb a fallen down tree but he didn’t get too far. And yes, I got most of the excursion on tape (hehe, I love my camera). We also visited a house that was being built but it had never been finished. It was a beautiful house yet everything was so overgrown. Got some video of that, too.
After the lake we got back to the house, then we went to the theater and then Portillos. After that we hung out for a bit and then I left. All in all, a very fun day.
Phew! I have no idea why that story took so long. Before I write anything else, I will finish the horrible sushi night story. Oh! And I figured out something. That I’m only going to write in here until my birthday, then I’m letting you finish it up! And on that note, I do wish that it took me less than 3 weeks to finish a book, then I could get farther than 2 pages when it’s time to hand this off. heh.
Love you,
Hey Chels!
Wowza. I am really determined, aren’t I. Heh. Anywhooz, back to the awful sushi night story.
So, we get to this party and so far we are the only people there. After about 15 minutes more people started showing up. Alex had told me in the car how she met Jayme. She had been a nail client and they became friends when Alex realized that Jayme could get her into all the good clubs/bars when she was still underaged. Well, eventually Alex grew up and could get herself into clubs and bars but since she got pregnant she stopped drinking. So, I guess now Jayme is the one that uses Alex for free manicures. According to Alex, Jayme is the type of person that needs to make it seem like she has more than she really does in order to get people to like her.
Anywho, once more people started showing up, they brought the wine (btw, there were no water glasses, nor were there any indications that they had water in the place). The two people across from Alex and me got water and I asked if I could have water also. Water didn’t come till over an hour later, when they finally delivered the menu selections (everything was pre-ordered, either a sushi plate or chicken teriyaki). We were supposed to circle which dinner we wanted and then make a note of stuff we were allergic to (like it mattered at that point). You want to know what my note read? “can you please bring water? Please and thank you. Rita Schory.”
It only took like half an hour more to finally get my water (plus 3 more). The girl admitted to reading a note that asked for it.
By this time, Alex’s boobs were full (she had only intended on spending 1-2 hours there so she didn’t pump before we left the house). She asked the waitress to get our food to go. About 45 minutes later, we all finally got our food. Alex and I paid our bills and were about to leave when the waitress stopped us and said that her bill was wrong. She had already charged her (and me) an additional .18% gratuity because it was more than 5 people, but then she tried making the bill higher. We ended up leaving after about 10 minutes of standing there. After we finally got home, things calmed down. We all had dinner in the living room and while Alex was feeding the baby, Danny and I had a long talk. I forgot what all was said but I realized why they picked each other--they had both had similar past lives and fell in love at a time when they had both calmed down. He wasn’t the type of guy that she would normally go for, but she really did end up marrying her best friend. I decided not to sleep over because it had been a stressful night and I just needed to sleep in my own bed. I finally got home and crashed.
Ahhhh it feels so good to be done with that story. It’s been one hell of a day. I have been really cranky lately. I think it’s because I’m sore and I’m sick of being sore and I just want to go back to the way things were before. I have little to no energy anymore and I think that I sleep good enough but I still feel exhausted.
Alright. My mom has the day off tomorrow, so you know what I’m gonna do? Starbucks day! Well, I do have to get gas and pay part of my phone bill, but then I’m gonna go to Starbucks and show you around a little bit. Oooh and I hope to write some more poems. But for now… I want to do some yoga and then lay down.
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