Hey! It's Maddy's birthday today. I want to do something special but I can't until I know what year she was born in. I can't remember if it's '96 or '97.
I don't hate my aunt. She is who she is. But I can't believe she is STILL doing this. I promise you, she is NOT doing this to my child.
Anyways, I read over my journal entry from last night and I remember what I forgot to write. When I was in high school, I was a completely different person. My best friends were Jenne, Dani, and Jackie. There would be times where someone would start something and then everyone would gang up on me. Our sophomore year I had a notebook with Jackie and she wrote to me that "last year a source told her that I said that she was fat." Which I don't ever remember saying but whatever.
By the end of my junior year I was a different person, a lot more open and I think they felt like I didn't need them anymore. It's really sad that instead of being happy for me, they completely cut me out of their life. And in our last high school year.
Even though I've been hurt pretty much all my life, I don't hold things against people. But I still hate it when Brian forces me to deal with something. But I can't have my own bank account. How fair is that?
I am now the proud owner of a Bank of America bank account.When I get all these bills paid I am going to switch everything over and close my Washington Mutual account. And I now have a Baby Phat refillable Rushcard. I dunno how much money I have on it though. But if it'll help then that's all I care about.
Anywho, I'm gonna work on notebook stuff now.
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