Hey sweets!
I don't have a lot of time to write but I just wanted to say hi. I'm sorry about last night I just couldn't stay awake anymore. I dunno what to say... I just think Sara is a very selfish person. And very sad. She might THINK that she knows everything but that is only because deep down she is a scared little girl. I think she feels like even though she's had children, it's not enough to make her feel complete. I also think that she feels like if she's not creating some sort of drama, then she'll be forgotten. Probably because when she was little it was the only time she was given attention. I think one day she will be forced to grow up. She'll fight it the whole way but something will happen to push her into becoming a grownup. I dunno when it'll happen and I don't know what will happen, but I DO know that something is going to happen. As for you... I think that if life were easy for you, you wouldn't know how to appreciate the good things that came your way. I know this because my life hasn't been easy either. Sometimes people are born into a life of priveledge and they get things handed to them on a silver platter. I don't think any of that matters. The only thing that really matters is how much fight you have in you. And how much heart. You didn't ask to be born. But you were. You didn't ask to be treated like crap by your family, either. But now that you're grown you can choose your family.
You might have all these obstacles in your way but it's how you deal with them that matters. And so far I think you're doing great. I wouldn't have had the strength to stay as long as you did. I don't have that much love for ANYONE. Which sounds pretty selfish but I just know my limit. I would have lasted a week at Brenda's house and if Allen touched me I would have told her off and left on my own. But not before I got proof that Allen was doing some bad stuff.
Anywho--I'm outtie. I got a full day of work ahead of me and I dunno when I'm coming home. Blah.
After 12:30pm
Still Feb 24th!
Hey sweets,
It's around 10:30pm and of course I didn't JUST get home. I relaxed, watched "Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants," worked on Maddy's book, and now I'm workin' on this one. I LOVE what you did with the Valentine's Day stuff. I am going to answer, but I wanna do it in style like you did with asking them. So I'm gonna hafta think about how I want to do this.
I can't wait until our next book! I wanted to start it now but this is still our <3 notebook so I gotta finish it! So... here are some project ideas I am thinking of as for this notebook:
*answers to your questions (and comments)
*horoscope stuff
*my runway
That's it for now. I am still really stressed out about my rent cuz I know we won't have enough, but Ryan is giving us money for rent and bills and on Friday (the 7th) I'm getting paid and Brian is getting paid again. If anything I'll just pay it late (it's an $80.00 fee).
Whatever. I am through worrying about this shit. I have at least 6 months until I finish school, at least 8 until I get my license (if I pass this STUPID test), and I still have my rebate to look forward to so... whatever. If they want to evict me and reposses my car and my engagement ring GO RIGHT THE FUCK AHEAD! Seriously I can't live this stressed out lifestyle anymore. If my car company wants to call me 8 times a day to threaten me then oh well.
I wish that Earnest never got mad at me so he never would have screwed me over. And really, that is the only thing I wish.
So... Steve Wilkos. The main reson for my contacting them in the first place is because I really respect him and I like the way he handles people. I don't want anything bad to happen but I seriously don't know what else to do. I dunno if I'll have enough authority to make something happen. Cuz I'm just your best friend. But I'm gonna damn near try to get Sara some professional help. Because lady, she needs it. But it's not about he said/she said blah blah blah. This is just about someone seeing a cry for help and doing whatever she can to help the situation.
Man chica, you've been having some STRANGE dreams. Why would I be kissing your man though? Hmmm... the first thing that popped into my head was "the kiss of death." Which is prolly true because I would give him the kiss of death if he pissed me off enough. Hehe but seriously... he's not a bad guy. But sometimes he's got too much of a guy brain.
Well, I'm gettin' sleepy and I wanna go online before I go to sleep.
<3 ya!
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